
"Shocking" Undercover Video of Sex in Porn Theaters

The first thing that I noticed about this report on the 15th Avenue Bookstore in a Chicago suburb is that it was done in February. That's typical. Known as "Sweeps Month" this is when local news programs are doing all they can to attract viewers so they can set their ad rates as high as possible. If they were that shocked, they would have aired this the first day they heard about it.

Even better, was the mayor's request for a copy of the video. I bet hizhonor (like the rest of us) would prefer to see the unedited version for his "probing investigation".

By the way. Four years have passed since this report aired, and 15th Ave. is doing more business than ever. If you are ever in the midwest, you need to stop in, as you can plainly see in the video.

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